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Jika kamu sedang mencari jawaban atas pertanya bagaimana ending night has come, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat. Kami punya sekitar 10 tanya jawab mengenai bagaimana ending night has come. Silakan baca lebih lanjut di bawah.

day   night   goodnight quote pictures   images

tono:did you come here last night? a.i come here last

Pertanyaan: tono:did you come here last night?
a.i come here last night
b.i comes here last night
c.i came here last night
d.i coming here last night

C.I came here last night

sorry klo salah

c. i came here last night

9).He …. very late last night.a has been coming homeb.

Pertanyaan: 9).He …. very late last night.
a has been coming home
b. has come home
C. came home
d. was coming home


C.  Came Home


Past Tense

Subjek+to be (was/were)+ verb2


She has to come home before eight o'clock in the

Pertanyaan: She has to come home before eight o’clock in the night dirubah menjadi kalimat negatif nya gimana

she has not to come home before eight o’clock in the night

semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya


Nara has a …last night

Pertanyaan: Nara has a …last night

Nara has a dream last night

9. He …. very late last night.a. has been coming

9. He …. very late last night.
a. has been coming home
b./has come home 2 3
c. came home
d. was coming home​


C. Came Home


Dalam sentence ini yang merupakan Simple Past Tense, rumus yang digunakan untuk verb hanyalah V2. Jadi Past form atau V2 dari Come adalah Came.

Semoga Membantu:)

Merubah kalimat positif menjadi negative soal: she has come before

Pertanyaan: Merubah kalimat positif menjadi negative soal: she has come before eight o’clock in the night dirubah menjadi negative bagaimana

she hasn’t come before eight o’clock in the night

5. Bayu : I'm sorry…. Andi : That's okay. a.

Pertanyaan: 5. Bayu : I’m sorry…. Andi : That’s okay. a. I can come last night. b. I was able to come last night. c. I am able to come last night. d. I wasn’t able to come last night.​

D. I wasn’t able to come last night

semoga membantu

the night has come. papa is putting the car into

Pertanyaan: the night has come. papa is putting the car into the…….

menurut saya jawabannya adalah


maaf kalo salah

they – come – will – at night​

Pertanyaan: they – come – will – at night​


they will come at night

they Will come at night

She has to come home before right o' clock in

Pertanyaan: She has to come home before right o’ clock in the night

Dia harus pulang sebelum jam delapan malam

Dia harus pulang ke rumah sebelumjam delapan malam

Tidak cuma jawaban dari soal mengenai bagaimana ending night has come, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan kunci jawaban atas pertanyaan seperti 5. Bayu :, She has to, they – come, 9. He …., and Nara has a.

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