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Read Time:10 Minute, 41 Second

Jika kamu sedang mencari jawaban atas pertanya bagaimana cara sposes, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat. Kami punya sekitar 10 tanya jawab mengenai bagaimana cara sposes. Silakan baca lebih lanjut di bawah.

sposes spotify  hp  mudah operatorkita

1. Write the dialogue using the following proverb (at least

Pertanyaan: 1. Write the dialogue using the following proverb (at least 8 sentences, you may see the exampe as available in page 38 or 39).
a. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
b. Man purposes, God disposes.
c. All roads lead to Rome.
d. Talk less do more.
e. Let’s gone be by gone.
2. Write riddle (at least 4 sentences) with the answer as following
a. Clock
b. Slipper
c. Pen
d. Handphone.
e. Bird

2a I can tell you something

I keep moving

Without me you ll be lost in time

I am not so expensive

A.Write the Indonesian resemble meaning of the following proverbs !

Pertanyaan: A.Write the Indonesian resemble meaning of the following proverbs !

1. Killing two bird with one stone

2.Let’s gone be by gone

3.Talk less do more

4.Words cut more than sword

5.Alike as two peas in the pod

6.All road lead Rome

7.Man purpose,God disposes

8.Custom makes all things easy

9.Don’t ever try to impose your wish

10.Better dead than live in shame

B.Find the meaning of the following riddles below !

1. Give it food and it will live,give it water and it will die.What is it?

2. I run,yet I have no legs.What am I?

3. What gets wetter, the more it dries ?

4. What goes aroung the word and stay in a corner?

5. What flies without wings​


A. 1. Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui.

2. Yang lalu biarlah berlalu

3. Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya

4. Kata – kata lebih tajam daripada pedang

5. Bagaikan pinang dibelah dua

6. Banyak jalan menuju Roma

7. Rencana tak selalu sesuai kenyataan

8. Ala bisa karena biasa

9. Jangan memaksakan kehendak

10. Lebih baik mati daripada hidup menanggung malu.

B. 1. Fire

2. Nose

3. Towel

4. A stamp

5. Time

Hello! My name is Ana. I am twelve years old

Pertanyaan: Hello! My name is Ana. I am twelve years old and I am from USA. I’m going to introduce you to my lovely family. It is quite big and we are very happy. My mother’s name is Laura and my father’s is Peter. My mother has got blond hair and she is very tender. My father is tall and slim and she is a funny person. My parents have got three children. There are my big brother, Tim, my little brother, David and I myself. Tim is a sweet boy who loves playing and being with me all the time. He is three years older than me and attends senior high school. My younger brother, David, is a seven-month baby. He likes being at my father’s lap and he never disposes of Eddy, his bunny. Question! 1. How is the writer’s family? 2. What is the writer mother’s name? 3. What is the writer father’s name? 4. How many brother and sister does the writer have? 5. Who is a sweet boy? 6. How old is Tim? 7. How old is David?


Bahasa Inggris




1. How’s the writer’s family?

(Her family is quite big, there are her parents and her brothers)

2. What’s the writer mother‘s name?

(Her name is Laura)

3. What is the writer father‘s name?

(His name is Peter)

4. How many brother and sister does the writer have?

(She has 2 brothers, the one is an older brother, and the other one is a younger brother.)

5. Who is a sweet boy?

(Tim, her older brother)

6. How old is Tim?

(Tim is three years older than the writer)

7. How old is David?

(David is seven months old)


1. Bagaimana keluarga si penulis?

(Keluarganya cukup besar, terdapat orangtuanya dan saudara laki-lakinya)

2. Siapa nama ibu si penulis?

(Namanya ialah Laura)

3. Siapa nama ayah si penulis?

(Namanya ialah Peter)

4. Berapa banyak saudara laki-laki atau perempuan yang dimiliki oleh si penulis?

(Dia punya 2 saudara laki-laki, yang satu lebih tua dari si penulis, dan yang satu lagi lebih muda dari si penulis)

5. Siapa si cowok manis?

(Tim, saudara laki-laki yang lebih tua darinya)

6. Berapa umur Tim?

(Umurnya 3 tahun lebih tua dari si penulis)

7. Berapa umur David?

(Umurnya tujuh bulan)

I hope it would help you, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me as soon as possible!


Task 3 rewrite the following sentences into passive voice! 1.

Pertanyaan: Task 3

rewrite the following sentences into passive voice!

1. a few well-chosen words convey a great deal of meaning.


2. a mass of gases wrap around our planet.


3 the city disposes of waste materials in a variety of ways.


4. they say that women live longer than men do.


5. someone sent her a cheque for a thousand euros


6. his grandmother looked after him.


7.’ someone has asked to john to make a speech at the meeting


8. the crew paved the entire stretch of highway


diubah ke kalimat pasif

tolong bantu dong kakak kakak besok dikumpul


My sister and l get up early

Write the Indonesian meaning of the following proverbs!1. Talk less

Pertanyaan: Write the Indonesian meaning of the following proverbs!
1. Talk less do more
2. Killing a bird by a stone
3. Let’s gone be by gone
4. Better dead than live in shame
5. Don’t ever try to impose your wish :
6. Custom makes all things easy
7. Man purposes, God disposes
8. All roads lead to Rome
9. Alike as two peas in a pod
10. Words cut more than sword

bantu ya pliss ​

1. sedikit bicara banyak bekerja

2. membunuh sebuah burung dengan batu

3.mari kita pergi dengan pergi

4.lebih baik mati daripada hidup dalam rasa malu

5. jangan pernah mencoba memasakkan keinginan anda

6.kebiasan membuat semuanya menjadi mudah

7.tujuan manusia yang di buang manusia

8.banyak jalan menuju roma

9.sama seperti dua kacang polong

10.kata kata lebih dari pedang

Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice!a. The city disposes

Pertanyaan: Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice!
a. The city disposes of waste materials in a variety of ways
b. Someone sent her a check for a thousand Euros
c. His grandmother looked after him. a​


a. Waste materials are disposed of by the city in a variety of ways.

b. A check for a thousand Euros was sent to her by someone.

c. He was looked after by his grandmother.


Passive Voice:

a. Waste materials are disposed of by the city in variety of ways.

b. She was sent a check by someone for a thousand Euros.

c. He was looked after by his Grandmother.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive Voice dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kalimat aktif subjeknya aktif melakukan aksi dalam kalimat.

Kalimat pasif subjeknya pasif dikenai aksi dalam kalimat.

Kalimat-kalimat pasifnya:

a. Bahan-bahan limbah dibuang oleh (pemerintah) kota dengan berbagai cara.

b. Dia (cewek) dikirimi cek oleh seseorang senilai seribu Euro.

c. Dia (cowok) diasuh oleh Neneknya.

Passive Voice:

1. Passive Voice [Simple Present Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Verb3

2. Passive Voice [Present Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (is/am/are) + being + Verb3

3. Passive Voice [Present Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + have/has + been + Verb3

4. Passive Voice [Simple Past Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Verb 3

5. Passive Voice [Past Continuous Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Being + Verb3

6. Passive Voice [Past Perfect Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + had + been + Verb3

7. Passive Voice [Simple Future Tense]

-Pattern = Subject + will + be + Verb3

Semoga membantu ya.

The first time I saw her I thought she has

Pertanyaan: The first time I saw her I thought she has a
good personality, but it is not true because
lately I know that she always being rude
with her friends and always yelling when
she was at home. It’s true that ….
a. men purpose, God disposes.
b. after a storm comes a calm.
c. tomorrow never comes.
d. beauty is only skin deep.
e. all that glitters is not good.​


D. Beauty is only skin deep


I think it’s D. Beauty is only skin deep

yang cantik di luar belum tentu cantik di dalam

I hope it helps.

Write the indonesian resemble meaning of the following proverbs 1.Talk

Pertanyaan: Write the indonesian resemble meaning of the following proverbs
1.Talk less do more
2. Killing two bird with one stone
3. Let’s gone be by gone
4. Man purposes, God disposes
5. All roads lead to Rome
6. Alike as two peas is a pod
7. Words cut more than sword

1. Sedikit bicara banyak aksi
2. Melakukan 1 hal untuk 2 tujuan
3. Yang berlalu biar berlalu
4. Kita berusaha tuhan yang menentukan
5. Banyak jalan menuju roma (banyak jalan untuk sukses)
6. Kembar serupa
7. Kata-kata itu lebih tajam dari pedang

Decide the sentence is active or passive voice! 1. The

Pertanyaan: Decide the sentence is active or passive voice!

1. The house was built in 1654.
2. The city disposes of waste materials in a variety of ways.
3. The people had not been warned by the coastguards.
4. The new computer chip will be produced in Dresden.
5. A song is going to be sung.
6. Students had been speaking English.
7. I will have been learning English.
8. A ring has been being looked for by him yesterday

#jangan asal ya kk…​

santai aja kak gabakal asal gampang kok

Soal :

Decide the sentence is active or passive voice!

1. The house was built in 1654.

2. The city disposes of waste materials in a variety of ways.

3. The people had not been warned by the coastguards.

4. The new computer chip will be produced in Dresden.

5. A song is going to be sung.

6. Students had been speaking English.

7. I will have been learning English.

8. A ring has been being looked for by him yesterday

Jawaban :

  1. Passive voice
  2. Active voice
  3. Passive voice
  4. Passive voice
  5. Passive voice
  6. Passive voice
  7. Future perfect tense (active voice)
  8. Incorrect sentence, it should be “He has been looking for a ring yesterday.” (active voice)


  1. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk passive voice karena subjek (the house) menerima tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang tidak disebutkan.
  2. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk active voice karena subjek (the city) melakukan tindakan (disposing of waste materials).
  3. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk passive voice karena subjek (the people) menerima tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang tidak disebutkan (coastguards).
  4. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk passive voice karena subjek (the new computer chip) menerima tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang tidak disebutkan.
  5. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk passive voice karena subjek (a song) menerima tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang tidak disebutkan.
  6. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk passive voice karena subjek (students) menerima tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yang tidak disebutkan.
  7. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk future perfect tense dalam active voice karena subjek (I) akan melakukan tindakan pada masa depan (have been learning English) dan akan selesai pada suatu waktu di masa depan.
  8. Kalimat tersebut salah dalam tata bahasa Inggris, seharusnya menjadi “He has been looking for a ring yesterday” yang dalam bentuk active voice, karena subjek (he) melakukan tindakan (looking for a ring).

Think about the _____ of junk mail, newspapers, photocopies and

Pertanyaan: Think about the _____ of junk mail, newspapers, photocopies and other paper products that each of us handles, stores, and disposes of in a single day. Total annual world wood consumption is about 3.7 billion metric tons or about 3.7 billion m3 . This is more than steel and plastic consumption together.
Fill the blank?
(A) accumulation (D) amount
(B) number (E) figure
(C) total

Think about the accumulation of junk mail, newspapers, photocopies and other paper products that each of us handles, stores, and disposes of in a single day. (A)


Kata ‘accumulation’ berarti akumulasi. Arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah ” Pikirkan tentang … surat sampah, koran, fotokopian,dan produk kertas lainnya yang kita pegang, jual, dan buang dalam satu hari. Konsumsi kayu dunia tahunan total adalah sekitar …. Ini lebih dari penggunaan logam dan plastik bersamaan.”

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Simak soal bahasa Inggris SBMPTN 2019 lebih lanjut pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/27072936

Simak soal bahasa Inggris SBMPTN 2019 lebih lanjut pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/27073227

Simak soal bahasa Inggris SBMPTN 2019 lebih lanjut pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/27074050


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Keterangan: Kunci Jawaban SBMPTN 2019

Kode: 12.24


Tidak cuma jawaban dari soal mengenai bagaimana cara sposes, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan kunci jawaban atas pertanyaan seperti Hello! My name, 1. Write the, Write the Indonesian, A.Write the Indonesian, and Decide the sentence.

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